Setelah membahas tentang strategi menjawab soal bahasa Inggris akademik berjenis literal questions, kali ini akan dibahas strategi menjawab soal Bahasa Inggris sesi reading dengan jenis inferential questions. Inferential question sendiri merupakan jenis pertanyaan yang jawabannya tidak tertera secara eksplisit di dalam bacaan atau teks.
Berikut ini disajikan sebuah teks akademik (Hà & Huertas-Abril, 2024) yang diikuti dengan 10 pertanyaan. Silakan jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut. Untuk melihat kunci jawaban atau jawaban benar untuk masing-masing pertanyaan, klik pada soal.
Reading Passage
The article reviews different interventions to teach critical reading and proposes a two-stage critical reading model, starting from identifying author's purposes to responding to the text. In the stage of identifying the author's purposes, students need to analyse the text and connect the text to its context. In the stage of responding to the text, students need to base on their interpretation they get from the text to evaluate and respond to the text. A majority of students believed that the model helped them to practise fundamental reading skills, such as identifying the main idea, arguments, and evidence, to construct their critical thinking by reflecting, understanding different perspectives and building their own arguments. From students’ suggestions, the model is revised to make it more interactive and dynamic by applying the double-entry note technique and repetitive reading in groups with discussion to exchange viewpoints and interpretation.
The study is not without limitations. First, the effect of the model was evaluated through the feedback of students. In order to see how the model helps students with their critical reading, a longitudinal study with different assessment tools (such as a paper test, a performance in a real situation) need to be designed to evaluate students’ progress when applying the critical reading model. Second, the study was conducted as a lesson for students in which the critical reading model was applied, while critical reading needs to be built with time and a series of sessions with organised materials, and each session can aim at a specific critical reading skill. Therefore, for future research, the model can be applied to design a critical reading course which also integrates different assessment tools to evaluate students’ progress. This can be used for the evaluation of the effect of the model as an intervention to support students’ critical reading. Third, due to the limited time of the lesson period, the role-play which is an extension part of the model was not conducted in the pilot study. In future research, different lessons with the role-play as an extension part of critical reading should be carried out, in which role-play is both the means to develop critical thinking, also the ends and the performance tool to evaluate learners’ critical reading and thinking.
Sumber Bacaan: Hà, T.A. & Huertas-Abril, C.A. 2024. Teaching critical reading in higher education: A literature review and pedagogical framework proposal. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Elsevier.