Formulaic Phrases for Thesis/Dissertation Defense in English
In formal academic presentations, effective communication hinges on clarity, structure, and professionalism. One key element that helps achieve these objectives is the use of formulaic phrases which simply refers to the most-commonly-used expressions that are universally applicable within academic contexts. The rest of this article reveals the compilation of formulaic phrases or ready-to-use phrases for formal presentations and/or academic presentations, more especially for thesis defense or dissertation defense.
Opening Section
- It is my pleasure to speak/be here today.
- Thank you, Mr./Ms. Chairperson, for your kind introduction.
- Thank you Mr./Ms Chairperson, and good morning/afternoon/evening colleagues.
Apply the following if you want your opening section to sound more provoking.
- It is often believed that...
- While prior studies on X have shown...
- What are the mechanisms that underlie incidences of X?
- What is the difference between X and Y? More to the point, why are they different?
- How should we approach the problem of X?
- In 2013 we began observation on 12 patients who presented with...
- Over the past three years at X hospital, we have been observing...
- Recently, our institution introduced...
- I’d like to start my presentation by explaining the rationale for the program.
- The data I’m going to present today is based upon...
- In our study, we wanted to determine the correlation between X and Y.
- The main cause of X, is not Y but in fact Z.
- We have discovered a new relationship between X and Y.
- There is increasing evidence that...
Research Method
- [research method] was applied to address the primary objectives of this study.
- To investigate this topic, this study employed [research design] research approach.
- To address the main objectives of the research, this study employed [research design] research method.
- This study applied a [research design] to [purposes].
- The key outcome(s) of the study is(are) [result].
- The most notable findings generated in this study are [findings].
- These results suggest that [finding] has important implications for [field or theory].
- Finding of this study supports (or rejects) what is previously found claiming that [prior theory/findings].
- The result of this study is inline with claim that [previously published findings].
- In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that [key finding] is crucial for understanding [topic].
- To wrap up, the study confirms that [key outcome]
- In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that [key finding] is crucial for ...
- this research contributes to the ongoing conversation on [topic] by providing evidence that [key result].
- To wrap up, the study confirms that [key outcome].
- The conclusions drawn from this research suggest that [action/solution].
- This concludes my presentation. I look forward to engaging in further discussion during the question-and-answer session.
- That brings my presentation to a close. I’m now open to any questions or comments.
- Thank you very much for your attention. I welcome any questions or comments you have on this topic.
- This wraps up our discussion on [topic]. I appreciate your attention and welcome any questions or input.
- That’s the end of my presentation. I welcome your questions and any further discussion on the topic.
Sources: Formal-Academic Speaking