1. Philosophy of Language Education
This course introduces basic philosophical foundations in general philosophy of language education covering basic principles of the philosophy of language as relate how language is taught and learned. This course also provides the students with some understandings that the relationship between philosophy and language education is complex system which connects to other systems; social, political, and cultural. Topics commonly covered will be dealt with within the framework of English education and teacher professionalism. Students taking this course are introduced to the fact that language is a characteristic of human beings and expected to look into certain philosophical problems and activities in language teaching and learning. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on cases of philosophy of language education. This course uses Case-Method Learning.
2. Issues of Language Learning in Global Contexts
This course provides the students with some working knowledge on language, especially English, education with special emphasis on the changes and the development of curriculum implementation, teaching-learning process, teaching models, and the concept of communicative language teaching, and also assessment. It also gears the students to have some skills to identify and critically review various sources of instructional problems and issues in global context and in Indonesia through analyzing relevant theories, references, and research findings. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on findings issues of language learning in Global context. This course uses Case-Method Learning.
3. Applied Linguistics in ELT
This course is designed as a critical overview of basic principles in both micro- and macro-linguistics and their application in the field of language teaching and learning. The contents of the course include reorientation and redefinition of applied linguistics, the relationship between linguistics and current issues in language teaching and learning, language and usage, linguistic problem in translation, and attempts to bridge the gap between linguistics and literature. This course also provides the students with an opportunity to review critically articles related to applied linguistics, relating theory of descriptive linguistics and systemic functional linguistics. Lecture activities are carried out through presentations, discussions, and workshops of application linguistics in English language teaching. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
4. IT-Based Innovation in ELT
This course is designed to accommodate innovation in teaching and learning English. Finishing this course, the students will have knowledge, concepts and skills to be innovative in the process of teaching and learning. This course helps students to develop innovation in designing a syllabus, in developing teaching learning materials and media, and also in applying teaching learning methods. The students are required to search suitable and appropriate resources to determine what aspect of teaching and learning process should be changed. Furthermore, the students should have a broader knowledge about designing innovative classroom interactions, both through offline and online processes of teaching and learning. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of developing innovation in ELT using information technology. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
5. Curriculum and Syllabus in ELT
This course is designed to make students have a comprehensive and holistic understanding of kinds and types of curricula or syllabus in language education, especially English. Finishing this course, students are expected to comprehend how the curriculum or syllabus is developed and applied. The students are also required to critically analyze the changes of curriculum and syllabus to meet the development of theory of teaching and learning English and societal demand. In addition, students are also able to identify issues regarding curriculum and syllabus from a national and global perspective for general English as well as English for special purposes. In this course, the students have the opportunity to develop their own language course as a final project of the semester. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on the development of language syllabus programs. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
6. ELT Research Methodology
This course is designed to assist students to have the knowledge of quantitative, qualitative and mixed-research methods in English language teaching and learning, identify the quality of (reviewing) a research report, learn how to plan a research project proposal and more specifically to learn how to conduct a research project for their thesis, and have a positive attitude towards scientific activities. The contents cover research problems, assumptions and hypotheses, experimental designs, descriptive designs, instrument development, sampling, subject and object of quantitative research, data collection, validity and reliability, data analysis, characteristics of qualitative research methodology, characteristics and types of mixed- research methods. In this course, the students are also introduced to statistics, and computer assisted qualitative data analysis, such as SPSS and NVIVO, to analyze data. In addition, students will learn how to report quantitative, qualitative and mixed research. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on the application of Education research methodology in students' research proposals. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
7. ELT Research Proposals
This course assists students to develop their thesis proposals. The assistance covers how to develop background, research questions, and also searches sources (articles & textbooks) related to the topic. The students should be able to review related information. In addition, this course provides students with knowledge about research methodologies. In the end of this course, students have to submit a full version of research proposal for their thesis. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of writing research proposals. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
8. Material Development in ELT
This course is designed to make students comprehend the way how to develop teaching learning material and its media. This course covers the theory and aspects of developing teaching learning material and its media in English teaching and learning. The materials developed include hand outs, textbooks, PPT presentations, and also online teaching learning materials. This course also discusses the authenticity or local value loaded materials. Before having the ability to develop the teaching learning materials, the students should critically analyze the existing teaching learning materials. In this course, students have the opportunity to develop their own language learning materials for their language course as a final project of the semester. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of developing English language learning materials. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
9. Advanced Teaching Learning Methodology in ELT
This course is designed to engage students to critically review and discuss the contemporary teaching learning methods in English education. It covers approaches, models and strategies or techniques in the post-method era as well as the methods for teaching language skills and components and is integrated in both online and offline modes. The discussion will include language teaching methods in the Methods era and post-method era, which can cover Genre-Based Approach, CTL, Scientific Approach, Discovery learning, Project/Problem-Based Learning as well as flipped, blended, and hybrid learning modes . Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops by applying the latest English language teaching methods in students' work place. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
10. Assessment and Evaluation in ELT
The course is designed to enable students to have a more thorough and comprehensive knowledge about the field of educational assessment in general. The students are expected to have comprehensive knowledge of types and kinds of assessing students' abilities in English. In addition, this course also provides the knowledge of language testing, and its recent and advanced developments so that they can make better, more responsible tests and professionally develop language tests, including non-test tools, of their own, administer, analyze and use their results competently. In addition to being able to develop various types and kinds of assessments, students are also able to evaluate a program in teaching and teaching English. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops for the development of English language assessment. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
11. Second Language Acquisition
This course is designed to give students knowledge of how language is acquired. This course helps students understand the stages in acquiring a language and its implications of human biology and psychology to language acquisition; the methods, goals, and approaches for investigating SLA as well as the theories and assumptions; learners' learning and metacognitive strategies; the differences between natural second language acquisition and classroom second language development; the model of classroom language development; and the metalinguistic awareness in second language acquisition. Additionally, the course facilitates students to become aware of the latest trends in SLA research and their implications for teaching language. Moreover, this course also discusses problems in acquiring a language due to physical and psychological aspects. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of the application of SLA in English language teaching. This course uses Case Method Learning.
12. Literacy in ELT*
This course is designed to strengthen and broaden the students' knowledge of the literary genres, enhance their ability to appreciate and enjoy reading literary works such as short stories, novelettes, novels, poems, songs, plays and to equip them with the knowledge and abilities of the teaching strategies of the genres. In addition, students are expected to be able to develop materials in teaching literature. As culture is broadly discussed in literary texts, this course provides students with the knowledge of culture in English contexts. Finishing this course, the students are also required to discuss character building through analyzing the moral values of the literary texts. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops on the application of literacy in teaching English. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
13. IT-Based English Entrepreneurship Education
The advancement of technology in recent times, inspires educators to develop teaching learning kits in IT platforms. This course, therefore, is designed to fulfill the requirements of using IT in the process of teaching and learning process. The development of teaching and learning soft wares ignites the changing mindset in the educational sector. As a consequence, the practice of developing teaching and learning kits based on technological phenomena can improve business in education. Hence, teachers are also able to be entrepreneurs in the field of English teaching and learning. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of developing a business in English language education. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
14. Internships
This course helps students develop their knowledge of practical teaching strategies including the use of media through demonstration, peer teaching, and microteaching and their skills in conducting teaching and learning interactions of different patterns such as individual/pair/group work, giving drills, questioning, and classroom management. It can also be in the form of being a research assistant, working on their own language course project or other formats of independent learning stipulated in MBKM. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
15. Publications
This course aims at enhancing students' productive skills (speaking and writing) in using English in academic settings. More specifically, it is aimed at equipping students with various oratory skills covering various speech acts such as expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, and questioning, as well as literacy skills to improve their abilities in reading to obtain information such as finding main ideas and to improve their abilities in paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, and referencing. In this course, the students should have the ability to give presentations in an academic setting and write academic texts. At the end of this course, students have to submit a letter of acceptance of an article for publication in an accredited academic journal. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
16. Discourse Analysis and SFL in ELT*
This subject provides students with the knowledge of analyzing language beyond the sentence level to make them aware of the complexity and function of language as a means of communication both written and spoken. It also introduces students to systemic functional linguistic approaches to the study of English grammar and discourse. Topics include: a brief history of the emergence of discourse analyzes and systemic functional linguistics, and their contribution to language and learning theory, the role of context, information structure, cohesion and coherence and how those theories can be useful in developing students' communicative competence , the notions of three metafunctions in language and of the ways in which each of the three metafunctions is said to contribute to the construction of meaning in language; notions of discourse and of the resources with which language builds different texts, both spoken and written language. Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of the application of discourse analyzes and SFL in English language teaching. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
17. Translation*
Given in the second semester of the master's program in English studies, this course examines contemporary translation and interpretation theories and research. Several commonly recognized differing approaches to translation and basic principles of interpretation will be studied. Possible topics offered will be: perspectives on translation, issues and debates in translation studies; translating; modeling the process, text and discourse, text analysis in translation; translation training and translation quality assessment, and issues in teaching translation in universities, differences between translating and interpreting, types of interpreting, modes of interpreting, the process of interpretation, code of ethics of translators and interpreters. The course also provides students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills of translation. The theory compares between the old and new paradigms of translation, explains methods of translation, describes linguistic aspects of translation, and points out linguistic and cultural adjustments required for good translation. To acquire practical skills in translating, students are given practice exercises in translating, mostly from English into Indonesian and partly from Indonesian into English. The exercises comprise texts of different linguistic levels (phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and short essays) as well as texts of different genres (academic essay, colloquial dialogue, legal language, religious text, literary process, and poetry). Lecture activities are carried out through group presentations, discussions, and workshops of the application of translation in English language teaching. This course uses Project-Based Learning.
18. Thesis
This course includes technical knowledge of writing a master's thesis in the field of ELT. In particular, this course gives students experience in writing a thesis. The learning process is carried out in the form of drafting of thesis and individual consultation with the thesis supervisor.
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